Amazing opportunity for a FULL on addiction.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, California
I feel fortunate to have found this place.
— Kratom Rapid Detox Patient, New York
Everyone gave excellent care.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, California
Immaculate. I feel sober level headed with goals set for my life and kids.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, Texas
Best treatment in the world for rapid detox.
— Oxycodone Rapid Detox Patient, California
Best decision I’ve ever made. Withdrawals were the only thing stopping me from getting clean.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, New Hampshire
I think it was the correct choice.
— Kratom Rapid Detox Patient, Nevada
I do not regret it – but also realize there is no instant cure and the work starts here.
— Suboxone Rapid Detox Patient, Vermont
It works and they try to make you as comfortable as possible.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, Tennessee
This is the only way to go – Excellent, top-notch care… Good hands you will be in.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, Tennessee
Very responsive and caring.
— Hydrocodone Rapid Detox Patient, California
I was told that after 2-3 days I would be feeling much better. I did. I did not believe that when I first got here.
— Suboxone Rapid Detox Patient, California
Best decision.
— Norco Rapid Detox Patient, California
Great and best thing for me.
— Hydrocodone Rapid Detox Patient, Nevada
Harder than I imagined but I’m glad I did it.
— Suboxone Rapid Detox Patient, California
I feel given my work/life balance, it was the best possible option.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, California
It was the best choice I could have made to come back. I was completely ready this time and am thankful for the time spent here.
— Fentanyl Rapid Detox Patient, New Mexico
I am so happy and glad I made the call the Waismann Clinic! Everyone was top notch starting with Clare and Heather, Leilani and Dr. Lowenstein. The chefs, Julie, Jerry the drivers and of course Jaman!!
— Percocet Rapid Detox Patient Review, Wisconsin
How wonderful I was treated and the high quality of care. I have recommended this to several friends already.
— Oxycontin Waismann Detox Review, Ohio
Medical care was great, I was treated with respect and dignity by everyone I came across.
— Tramadol Detox Patient, Virginia
Couldn’t have done it anywhere else, totally top notch. Very happy.
— Methadone Detox Patient, Colorado
This is truly amazing, I’ve gone cold turkey before and it was absolute torture. The Waismann Method is truly a life saver.
— Oxycodone Detox Patient, Nevada
I am very pleased I’m clean now and have absolutely no cravings at all to use again, can’t wait to go home and be normal again.
— Oxycodone, Oxycontin and Suboxone Detox Patient, California
Great! It was just what I needed.
— Suboxone Detox Patient
I know this was the best and the safest way to treat my issues as well as have a real sense of care for my best needs.
— Fentanyl Detox Patient, Arizona
I’m so glad I came here, no place else like it.
— Methadone Patient Waismann Method® Review, Oklahoma
Very Good, Today I am clean and am leaving with a good plan. It has been a long haul and I am finally feeling myself return.
— Oxycodone Detox Patient, Wyoming
I would have never been able to do it (detox from Suboxone) on my own. Being a busy professional, rapid opiate detox was the correct choice for me and my family.
— Buprenorphine Rapid Detox Patient’s Review, New Jersey
Only way to go! You are going to experience pain regardless what route you take to get clean. Better to get done in a few days then taking weeks of pain & depression.
— Oxycodone Rapid Detox Patient, Pennsylvania
Makes it bearable to go thru the withdrawal process and having people to help!
— Lortab Rapid Detox Patient, Alabama
I would never believe a place like this existed. I am thankful for rapid drug detox by the waismann treatment and Domus my life has been saved! I am eternally grateful!!!
— Percocet Rapid Detox Patient
If you struggle with opiates addiction this is the place for you, it sounds too good to be true but it is not. I am opiate free in one week, I feel back to normal and I’m very excited to have my life back.
— Percocet Rapid Detox Patient
This rapid drug detox program is truly one of a kind. I never felt like I had a legitimate starting place of time with my career and responsibilities at home until I found and completed this program worth every penny! Your health is priceless, don’t cut corners with it.
— Oxycodone Rapid Detox Patient, Colorado
Awesome experience! If you are struggling with addiction please reach out to this facility. They are wonderful caring people with hearts of gold you will form friendships with others that know exactly how you feel. Everyone who works there knows how you feel. You are not judged for your problems you are loved and supported back to the healthy sober you!
— Oxycodone and Percocet Detox Patient, Alabama
If your thinking of anywhere else stop call the Waismann clinic, I guarantee its the best fastest detox in the world.
— Oxycontin Detox Patient
I am so glad I did this, a 66 year old Suboxone user.
— Suboxone Detox Patient